About Us


A family owned business since 1999.

My father Kwon Tae Sung started his trade as a jeweller in South Korea over 45 years ago, and was the main factory manufacture designer responsible for managing over 300 jewellery clients.

When the family moved over to Australia, Kwon Tae Sung registered his own company as KTS JEWELLERY, custom ring makers and manufacturer designers. As a master jewellery maker our production includes 3D CAD Design and 3D printing.

Myself, Steven Kwon have been with KTS Jewellery since 2007 and involved with 3D CAD design and 3D printing as well as the handmade metal smithing.

My intent is to grow the business further while helping my father.



At KTS JEWELLERY we provide the same service as any Jewellery retailer, except we spend quality time (BOOK 1 HOUR NOW), to meet at our Sydney CBD offices to discuss and design as well as anwser any questions you may have about the process on how we deliver a quality custom designed ring, using state of the art 3D CAD design and 3D printing.

We are fortunate to be in the position where we can provide you with competitive pricing and ensure you get the best service, product and price.